Friday, July 1, 2016

They play tag

Sometimes it's at a time of day we don't appreciate, but the two young critters have been playing tag.  Often Charlotte initiates a session by running right up to him, skidding to a stop or turning and running away, or even going "Halloween cat".  Sometimes she gets on top of something and "flaps" a bag or box flap to taunt him. 

This morning I was taking care of an essential task and Marley was sitting nearby waiting for me to take him outside when Charlotte raced into the room, jumped up on the tub edge, skidding to a stop as she turned before hitting the wall.  When she was sure she'd gotten Marley's attention she raced out to the living room and on out to the kitchen, with him on her heels.

Other times, he'll stalk her and touch her to start a play session.  Even if she slaps at him she keeps her claws in and he is unfazed by the "attack".  With the size of the house they can get a pretty good amount of exercise just running back & forth.

Charlotte is beginning to return to her former habits.  She's come onto our laps a few times, she's napping on the foot of the bed (on Tom's side).  That tells me she's accepting that Marley is here to stay and she'll develop a new normal.

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