Saturday, July 2, 2016

Escape is becoming a habit?

Well, Charlotte got out again.  Early this morning (but not as early as some mornings) as I was coming back in from Marley's first of the day (not middle of the night but near dawn) outing, Charlotte suddenly appeared on the porch!  Where the bleep did she come from?  How did she get out? How long was she out?

Well, it didn't take but a few seconds to answer the second question - she'd pushed out the bottom corner of the sliding screen patio door.  She even decided to show off a bit.  After running onto (or just around) the porch and coming right to the door to come in with us, she ran right back out onto the porch and back to the door to come in again.  Just to prove she can.

She is determined to be an indoor/outdoor cat at some point.  And, since she's learned she can push out screens ... I have no doubt she'll have an easy time of learning the doggy door once we pull the solid panel.  But, that's in the future, after Marley reliably asks to go out to relieve himself and we're sure he can't escape and that he won't eat the wrong plants.  So, it's quite a ways in the future.  If it was just her, maybe it would be time for her to learn it, but it's way too early for Marley.

In the meantime, Tom is going to put some screws in the screens so Charlotte can't push them out yet we can open the windows to cool the place.

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