Sunday, July 17, 2016

How smart is he ...

Marley is really smart.  There are a couple of things that are taking time for him to learn - mainly not to pee or poop in the house - but we're working on them and he's getting better every day.

Yesterday morning, before the rest of the gang (Tom & our guests) got up, I taught Marley "shake".  One 10-minute session and he had it pretty well.  With a couple of quick refreshers here and there through the day, he'll now offer his right paw on request. 

When Tom was running him through his sit, down and shake this morning, Marley offered to shake when there was a pause in the action.

His vocabulary is getting pretty good for an 11-week old puppy (11 weeks today).  He knows (whether he always does it or not):
  • his name
  • sit (he needed a word for it; he came with sit built-in)
  • down
  • off
  • leave it
  • no mushrooms (we have lots of tiny mushrooms, many varieties, growing in the lawn any time it gets wet)
  • go potty
  • load up
  • go outside
  • cookie

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