Monday, July 18, 2016

Marley's built-in Fetch, too!. And Charlotte wants under the deck.

Apparently, Marley came with "fetch" built in, too.  Last night while we were catching up on some TV, I tossed his newest treasure, a beef hoof, and he ran, got it, brought it back and dropped it at my feet.  I was sure it was a fluke.  So I tossed his stick across the room.  He brought that back and dropped it at my feet. He did it another half dozen times.  All we need to do is teach him a word for it.  And we'll be able to build on it.

I had expected to need to teach it, but, with the Labrador and Springer Spaniel mix, he's got the genetic programming to pick things up and bring them to people.  In some dogs it's there, but needs a lot of coaching.  In his case, he may think he taught us to throw the stick he brought us.

Meanwhile, Charlotte has developed a taste for the outdoors.  At least twice a day, she hangs by the back door, ready to scoot when we take Marley out to do his business.  Yesterday she went out around 5am.  Not unusual, since Marley & I needed potty breaks about then.  But she made a new way to get under the deck, digging a hole under the lattice, next to the place Tom had filled with sandstone chunks.  It's been difficult, but we've been trying to keep her in until he can fix that one, too.  It's difficult handling the flex lead (got to remember to push the button so he doesn't get too far ahead) and opening & closing the door, and keeping the cat from slipping out all at the same time.  Luckily, she usually is perched on the corner of the dryer, so she's at a convenient height and right at the door.  We need to either convince her to stay out from under the deck, or make sure she can get herself back out of there.  So far, we've had to move the big rock off the block of wood, and move the block of wood for her to get out.

Charlotte will really stir things up if she wants a round of tag.  Marley was quietly chewing his hoof.  Charlotte was stretched out on the floor a few feet away, but Marley wasn't aware of her.  She did a couple of slow blinks his direction - the equivalent of kitty kisses.  Then she reached out and messed with a piece of egg carton to get his attention.  And, the race was on!  She can still get to higher places to get a break when he plays too rough.  In the bathtub is a favorite escape that will probably be the first to be breached.  He can almost get in the tub or on the couch now, at 11 weeks.  Soon, there will be few safe places for her.

She got a but jealous when I was practicing his sit, down & shake commands with kibble pay-off.  So, I got some of her crunchies and put them on the little table next to the chair I was using.  And a few strokes and soft words improved her mood.

They have a unique relationship, but it's working for this household.

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