Saturday, July 16, 2016

Marley Tracks her and Rescues Charlotte

This morning, Marley was a bit "off".  As I was working on "shake" with him in the dining room, he kept stopping and looking toward the sliding glass door in the living room.  A little later, partway through his breakfast, he started barking.  Thinking he needed to go outside, I got his harness & leash on him and we went out.  He wasn't looking for a patch of grass; he was looking for Charlotte.  She'd gone out at 5am, when we went out for a dark-hours (sort of dark, but not really) pee break.  We hadn't seen her on the porch at the 6:30am "up for the day" potty walk.  Normally she doesn't stray (yet) from the porch.  Well, he found her.  She'd managed to move a cast iron dish from the one low spot where it's possible to barely crawl under the lattice and get under the deck.  It's the same place she'd gone through before, with the same result.  Going in, it drops into a small depression; coming out it's uphill a few inches and changes how a body would fit, and she can't back out the way she came in.  I'm guessing she was calling, but quietly and Marley heard her even though I didn't.  I moved the piece of landscape timber and rock at the end of the steps so she could come out.  And she lost her collar again.  Marley was really happy to see her and have her back.

This morning we started on a new trick.  He knows sit, down, off, leave it.  Sit & down he know both by voice and hand signal.   Now we're working on stay and shake.  He got gist of shake pretty quickly.  We'll see how he does with in the Troy, Joy & Dakota come in for breakfast this morning.

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