Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Kudos for Marley, but where's Charlotte

About a quarter after 3 his morning I just had to get up for a restroom break. Of course, Marley was all about that.  As I got him leashed for the trip out in the (mostly) dark, Charlotte was right there.  She was insistent she was going out.  Even when Marley was standing straddling her, she would not give up her position at the door.  She scooted out when we  went out.  I left the door open, just in case.  But, when we returned to the porch she was almost as far from it as she could get and showed no inclination to come back in.

Around 6 I had to do it again, so of course it meant another trip outside for Marley.   He performed admirably.  Unfortunately, he was ready to be up for the day.  So, another early morning.  I'm starting to develop old-people habits - being up for the day at 5:30-6am means going to bed around 9pm whether I want to or not.

Charlotte's still out as I write this, about 4 hours later.

Update:  shortly after I posted this we found her under the deck.  Had to reopen a spot for her to get back out - the angles are different going in than out.  She's safely in the house again.

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