Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Marley's improving, but it's still slow progress

Marley gets a little better each day about asking to go outside to go potty.  He still sometimes asks to go out by peeing in the house - usually if he needs to poop.  And we do find wet spots somewhere in the house some time almost every day.  But he's asking more and more often. 

I have to remind myself it's like having a toddler again.  If you're a parent you probably remember that period of time when your toddler knew they supposed to go to the bathroom & use the toilet, but more often than not would tell you after they'd peed or pooped.  Progress, but frustrating.

Charlotte's relationship with Marley continues to sound like war.  When he grabs her, she makes the most awful noises.  She sounds like she's in a lot of distress.  And yet, if he isn't paying attention to her she'll stir it up again.  She'll stop, look and calculate, then run past him at full speed or she'll arch up like a Halloween cat and bounce toward him until he chases her down again. 

She'll take refuge on top of a stack of boxes (yes, we still have them) or on top of the washer or the couch.  Then, when he's ready to move on to some other activity, she'll race down and get the mayhem started again.

They start early in the morning.  Often by 5 or 6 in the morning as the first pre-dawn light is starting to show in the windows. 

Once in a great while they'll touch noses peacefully.  Then the chase begins again.

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