Monday, July 25, 2016

Charlotte breaks IN

The other night, actually early morning, I let Charlotte "escape" as I took Marley out for a potty break.  Later, I was a bit confused as I heard her eating her dry food on top of the dresser in the bedroom.  (It's the only place I could think of, other than the kitchen table or counters, that she could get to and Marley can't.)

The next time I got up the mystery was solved.  I had only "thrown" the door closed as I came in and it hadn't latched.  (Depending on the humidity the door latches when "thrown" as you come through, or it sticks mostly closed, but not fully closed & latched.)  Not only was the door open a few inches, but an item stored between the wall and the dryer, next to that door, was on the porch floor.  She'd worked very hard to get that door open and get back inside.

Once Marley knows not to eat the mushrooms (or we're past mushroom season and mountain ash berry season) and he knows to always go potty outside, we'll unlock the doggy door and this won't be an issue any more.  Or at least not until Charlotte or Marley start inviting "friends" inside.

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