Monday, July 4, 2016

2 steps forward 1 step back

We were making progress.  I'm sure we still are, but it sometimes feels like we're going backwards.  This morning I found "presents".  And through the day I found a few more.  And Marley brought a couple of missed turds.  He peed & pooped on leash.  And he just stopped and peed where he was in the house ... I have to remind myself he's still just a little puppy, just old enough to leave his mama.

He does ask to go out sometimes, but it's just by going into the laundry room.  All too often we misinterpret or miss seeing it.  Other times he gives a small whine.  If he needs to poop and we don't respond immediately, he cries more and more.  Or, if we sleep through it, he just does what he needs to do.

I think he IS beginning to get the idea we don't want him to pee or poop in the house - he looks for a place less in the open, more in a corner or behind a piece of furniture.

I keep reminding myself this is a short period in his life.  In the meantime, it feels so very slow.

Then he goes to sleep and he's just so cute, and so obedient ... until he wakes up and it all starts again.

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