Friday, July 29, 2016

His first long walk

Marley went for his first "hike" (actually a long stroll in the woods) yesterday.  Our friends Fran & John were here for a brief visit and we were headed to Kootenai Falls.  We took a little detour off the main route into Ross Creek Cedars Scenic Area. 

Tom & I had driven in to the area a couple weeks ago on a Sunday and it was crowded.  We had discussed going back on a weekday after Marley had his last puppy shot.  At that time he'd only had his first shot.

Yesterday he'd had his second shot, so he's still at some level of risk, but not as much as when he'd only had one.  So, when there were hardly any cars parked there we decided to take the 1 mile nature trail under the big Western Red Cedars.  Marley got to sniff all kinds of new things along the trail. 

There was another dog, so we moved aside to let the group (dog plus his people) go by without letting the dogs meet & sniff noses.  We let them know why we were being cautious.  They thought we were worried about friendliness, but I let them know it was the antibody lack, not that we were worried about his big dog eating our little dog.

By the time we got back to the car (I don't know if we did the whole mile or only half) Marley was so tired he laid down to drink his water.  He was pretty tired for rest of the day.  He even was too tired to really dive into his dinner.

Once we got home & had the mail opened up, we introduced Marley to his "Chilly Pad" - a gel pad that gets cold when there's pressure.  It will cool for 3-4 hours, then recover in about a half hour.  Once he figured out it was cooler than the floor under the dining table, he spent most of the rest of the evening on the pad. 

As far as we could tell, he slept through the night - we didn't find (we didn't look hard) any pee or poop in the house and about 6:30 he got up and had a loooooong pee outside.  I had a solo bathroom break in the middle of the night; probably only my second or third since Marley cane home with us.  It was almost 6:30 before we got up, and it was Charlotte who woke me by bumping into something on my nightstand.  Marley was ready to be up for the day, so I was up for the day.

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