Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A better day

Last night Marley slept through until around 4.  We went out for a piddle and went back to bed until around 6:30.  I miss sleeping until 7 or 8, but I hope to work Marley up to that kind of wake up time over the long haul.  And, we didn't find any surprises anywhere.  Either he really made it ... or we'll find the surprises later.

Except for a couple times today we got him out in time to take care of his business.  The two times he started to go we got him out before he'd done much of anything.

That puts today in the plus column.

Also, started working on "off".  He just constantly jumps up, trying to be on the couch with us.  If he wanted a cuddle that might be OK, but he wants to bite hands and rough house and get his teeth on anything and everything he can reach.  So ... "off" training has started.

One of these days we'll start on calming him down a bit when he's offered wet food.  It's downright dangerous to give him wet food!

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