Thursday, June 30, 2016

Marley & Charlotte a week in

Today it's a week since we brought Marley home.  Charlotte is no longer frantic to leave.  In fact, she sometimes instigates a session of "tag".  She'll either run into the room, right up to his face, then go "Halloween cat" or run to get a game going.  She's only made him yelp once, the first time she touched him.  Her extreme concentration when she's watching the birds at the feeders (sunflower for the wrens, nuthatches, etc. and hummingbird) allowed him to sneak up on her and make the first intentional physical contact.

This made him so bold he really touched her

She decided this was a bit too personal and backed him off with flying paw, but no claws.

Sometimes she'll get on the coffee table and paw at one of the boxes (we're still unpacking) to "threaten" him or get his attention.  She's never hurt him and he hasn't hurt her.   It's fun to watch them take turns chasing each other, knowing neither one wants to hurt the other.

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