Sunday, June 5, 2016

Her First Real Summer Storm

Today we had a real summer thunderstorm.  First the lightning & thunder, then the wind and rain.  The rain drops were big enough we expected to see white (hail or graupel) but there was just water.  At first, she was pretty calm.  Later, as the storm continued to be noisy, she started to run around the house like a crazy cat. 

It was a pretty strong storm.  We had to close the windows on the front and garage side of the house to keep the rain from blowing in.  After a bit, some of the "raindrops" started splattering on the windows, especially the awning windows (windows that are hinged at the top and open out at the bottom).  After a bit the rain settled into a steady, moderate rain, then finished.

She found her way to Tom's lap and settled in for the long haul.  Looks like she'll deal OK with the summer thunderstorms.

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