Thursday, November 19, 2015

To the Vet

This morning Charlotte met Dr. Brooks, our vet for more than 23 years.  She did really well.  She kept retreating into her carrier, but didn't fight or cry.  She got her second kitten shot, as well as her leukemia and rabies vaccinations.  We also had her micro-chipped.  Since we plan for her to travel with us, we want to be able to get her back if she gets lost.  To everyone's surprise she didn't react at all when he injected the chip.  At that point she'd already had 3 vaccinations in about the same spot.  When we got home, after a snack & a big drink of water,she settled in for a chest nap.

We also took Max in.  His hips are getting weaker and weaker.  He can still get up the stairs most of the time, but sometimes he needs help these days.  Also, in the last day or so we noticed his right eye had gotten very red -- not the white part but the iris/pupil area.  Dr. Brooks gave us an ointment & pills to help it heal.  Often this kind of thing will resolve itself, but we wanted to give his system some help with it.

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