Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Every other night

Charlotte seems to be developing a pattern of spending every other night with us.  Where she sleeps on the in-between nights is anyone's guess.  On those mornings she tends to come in some time around 7, give or take about 15 minutes and either perch on a neck and purr loudly or start attacking feet.  As soon as one or both of us is out of bed, she seems to feel she's done her job and the next thing on her agenda is a wild game of thing-on-a-string-on-a-stick, interspersed with snacks.  She likes it even better if we run the toy up on the couch, the stairs, the piles or anything else above the floor level.  Once she's had enough of this, she's ready for one more snack, then a nice long nap on a chest.  In all honesty, most of that long nap is on my chest.  Tom does get some of her nap time.

As I write this, her head is tucked along my chin & cheek and she is draped down my chest and belly.  This is one of her favorite sleep positions.  Almost always, she's got some part hanging low.  At lease she's learned how far she can hang without falling off her perch.  But, when she's on or next to one of us she likes her face near ours.  And what a purr machine. 

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