Sunday, November 15, 2015

She IS growing

I weighed Charlotte the morning after we got her.  She was a whopping 2.8 pounds.  This morning she weighed in a 3.2 pounds.  That's 0.4 pounds in 2 weeks.  As far as I can tell, that's abut right for her stage of development.  She's spending more nights with us than not.  Most nights she might take a snack/potty break, but comes back.  Wake up time, though, is relatively consistent - within 15-20 minutes either side of 7am, but more likely to be before rather than after. 

The collar has gone well.  The first night I took it off because it wasn't adjusted quite right yet, and it was really bugging her.  Last night we left it on and she's just fine.  Next step will be the harness.

On "good" mornings, she goes out for a snack/potty break then comes back to purr us awake.  On "bad" mornings, she starts pouncing on our feet, shoulders, heads, attacking the curtains, anything on the nightstands, or whatever it takes to get one of us to get out of bed.

Once she's got one (or both) of us out of bed, a frantic, fast-paced romp with a thing-on-a-string-on-a-stick toy (toasoas), or toasoas alternating with laser toy, gets her ready for a snack followed by a nap on a chest or lap.  After a bit of time on a person, she'll move to the top of the couch or the table between our seats.  After all, she's got to rest up for another exercise session.

She's working her way up to interacting with Max.  She's progressed from hissing in the "Halloween cat" position to just assuming the position to sometimes actually touching him on purpose.  She still tends to assume the position when he moves or comes close to her.  But then, I'll see her touch noses with him at another time.

We've had to change a bathroom habit.  We've left our shower curtain closed so it dries nicely and won't develop any moldy spots.  It's a heavy clear plastic and Charlotte thinks it's one of her toys.   That makes a lot of noise, especially when she wants to play with it at bedtime or early morning.  So now, once it's dry we flop it over the rod to keep it out of her reach.  

I keep having to remind myself it's only been 2 weeks.

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