Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Cheap Toy

Charlotte has a new toy that cost us next nothing.  Because she's a curious and smart little kitty, I thought she might like an "exploration" toy.  I sealed a jingly ball ($2 for 6 at the grocery store) in a cardboard box that brought an online purchase to us.  Then I cut a few holes in it - big enough for her paw, too small for the ball to come out.

Then, all I had to do was jingle it a few time by rolling the ball back and forth so she'd hear it.  She had already been making a project of the tissue box, reaching in and messing up the tissues, so I was pretty sure she'd go for the box with holes.

She will spent several minutes at a time fishing for that ball through the various holes.  She goes back to it several times a day.  The hole in the top allows her to go in shoulder deep - in the photo above her right arm is in up to the shoulder.

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