Friday, November 6, 2015


I've decided to restart posting on this blog.  I doubt many will check it, but, what the heck! 

A week ago we adopted a kitten from our local animal shelter.  It had been a little over 2 years since we had to put down our previous cat, Charlie.  I was more than ready to have a kitty and I had apparently worn down Tom.  He tends to refer to Charlotte as "Debbie's kitty".  Not to say she isn't, but she does spend time with both of us.  That was something Charlie didn't do for a long time.

Charlotte is one of 2 survivors from a litter of 5 kittens that were found in the corner of a greenhouse.  At the shelter they think the kittens had distemper.  If that is true (they didn't test for it), she's immune.  We'll make sure she gets all her shots, regardless.  We'll also get her chipped so we have the best chance of getting her back home if she strays.  It's all the more important since she'll be a traveler with us.  We'll have to arrange a tag for the summer, as we did with Max last summer.

She's all smoke gray at first glance.  But, when the light is right she has silver accents from her under coat.  And she has amber eyes.  Other times, the light will show her nearly invisible stripes, which are a little darker than her main dark gray.  We've not found even one white hair on her.  Her nose is dark gray and her lips are almost purple since they have a gray tint to them.

In her week with us, she has slept through the night, mostly on our bed.  She is beginning to learn her name.  She eats small meals many times a day rather than bolting large amounts of food.  She's never missed the litter box.  She's learned to pull in her claws when she knows she's going to contact skin.  She's learned the sound of the garage door opener means we're either leaving (we suppose) or (we're sure) that we've returned.  She meets us at the door, crying softly to remind us she doesn't really like being home alone.

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