Monday, November 16, 2015

She's a talker

Charlotte is very good at letting us know she wants something.  If you're petting her and she meows, it means stop.  If you're not petting her, it means she wants some petting.  She hasn't yet learned how to differential her meows to mean different things, but that will come. 

She has learned that when we've been gone and the garage door opener operates, we will be coming in the kitchen door soon.  She meets us there meowing if we don't get in fast enough.

She will also meow to tell us we need to move faster.  This is usually when we're coming back in the house, carrying food to her eating station, and so on.

The only really annoying communication method is the early morning wake-up call.  Instead of meowing, she pounces on our feet or anything else she feels will get at least one of us out of bed and available to entertain her.

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