Tuesday, November 17, 2015

It's official

Well, it's official.  We went back to the animal shelter and completed the rest of the process to officially adopt Charlotte.  We had already left a check, now they'll cash it.  We have the paperwork from her first vet visit (kitten vaccination & spay) and we'll take it with us when we take her to the vet we've been with since 1992.  We also have a certificate for her first rabies vaccination, ultimately covered by the sheriff's department. 

We told to call us when they get a batch of kittens that need socializing.  Kittens need to be socialized to humans before they're 8 weeks old or they may not adjust to them.

When we go to the vet on Thursday, it will be a double appointment.  We want to have the vet check Max.  He's pretty deaf,  Now, he seems to be losing his sight.  And his hips are getting weaker and weaker.  But, he still stands up when the car is moving, and he fully expects a ride by 10 or 11 each morning, getting more frantic the later we delay getting out & about.  We still have time with him, bit the clock is running down.

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