Thursday, August 4, 2016

Pumpkin - wow!

Marley had a bout of diarrhea. We don't know what brought it on, but it had gone on over 24 hours before we called the vet.  The vet surprised us by asking "Have you tried canned pumpkin?" rather than having us bring him in.  They'll see him in a week, so it's not like they just didn't want to see him, it was a matter of trying the reasonable things before resorting to a doctor's visit.

We had tried an Imodium, half a tablet in the afternoon, then the remainder in the evening, but it didn't produce any results that we could see.

This morning we had a small breakthrough - Marley was in my lap, being docile for a change.  Charlotte carefully climbed up to check him out.  For just a couple of minutes both of them were on my lap, not fighting. Wow!

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