Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Charlotte - travel challenge

Charlotte is going to pose a problem when we try to travel with her.  She had done OK with the crate and car, but the next trip will be (we hope) in the motorhome.  She's gotten used to going outside and will stage herself on the dryer (right next to the door) or on the floor, ready to scoot as soon as the door opens. 

In the motorhome, when we're coming back inside, the problem will be that she could be on the top of the couch ready to jump over us, on the arm of the couch ready to jump past us, on the floor ready to dash down the stairs or on the bottom step ready to launch under the door.  How do you have a hand ready at each of those positions?  It's a span of several feet, starting at our knee level and going to above our heads when we're standing on the ground.  We're going to have to work out a strategy that will enable us to catch her before she leaps free.

She does have a collar with her name and our landline phone number.  We'll switch to her old collar when we travel since it has my cell phone number.  But, she has come inside without her collar several times.  Once it's off, she's just a lost kitty until someone takes her to have her chip scanned -- if they even try that.  Some people will just take a cat home and decide it's now theirs.

Anybody have any good ideas for keeping her safe when we travel?

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