Monday, August 15, 2016

He still cares

If Charlotte is out and wants back in Marley will let me know if I don't hear her.  This morning, at the 4am potty break, she was so eager to get out she was telling me about it.  I just don't have a lot of "fight" in me at 4am, so I let her out.

Around 6:30 she wanted in.  I didn't hear her rattling the front door, so Marley started to whine.  He whined quietly at first, then a little louder and a little louder, until I got up to let her in.

I knew it was the end of trying to sleep - he was going to harass her and she was going to complain.  She still hasn't laid claw or tooth on him, but I wish she would.  I'm almost afraid she'll let him really hurt her.  This time he was grabbing her by the tail while she was trying to eat.  Since her food is on the dresser in our room (to keep him from eating it), there was no ignoring the noise.

I did wear him out a little last night before bed.  Between feeding him a third of his dinner "find it" style and having him chase the laser dot ... he was panting.  So, it was only because I had to get up and use the bathroom (I think) that he needed to go out at 4.  For me, I have to choose between getting up at night and being a bit dehydrated & thirsty.  I'd rather get up, but boy I get worn down when it's too many times a night.  There's a huge difference between shuffling to the bathroom and shuffling to the bathroom, doing your thing, putting on your robe, heading through the living room and kitchen to the utility room, putting on the Crocs, putting the leash on the pup, getting the pup off the cat, going out into the yard for him to pee then reversing the process for another hour or two of attempted sleep.  Oh, I'll be so glad when he's good all night through, good in the house and we can activate the doggy door.

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