Thursday, August 11, 2016

Locked out!

So, what do you get when you are trying to heat the bathroom, keep the bathroom door closed and let the cat have access to her litter box?  Well, if it's Charlotte, you get locked out of the bathroom.  This morning Marley was feeling especially full of himself, so when Charlotte needed to get to her litter box I let her in the bathroom and shut the door to keep Marley from bothering her (and knocking the door open, losing all the heat).  We use a space heater to warm just the bathroom and have tried leaving the door mostly closed, but they run in & out, bump the door and it opens all the way.

A while later we heard her making noises at the bathroom door, wanting out.  I went to let her out and could not open the door more than a half inch!  She's decided in recent days that she needs to open the bottom drawers of the vanity.  She has developed a "need" to get into the vanity cupboard between the drawers and can't quite get the doors open so she tries to go in through the back of the drawers.

The vanity is the first thing inside the bathroom, so with the closer drawer open the door hit it and would not open.  We had to find something that would go under the door, then up, to push the drawer closed.  I tried slipping a thin metal yardstick through the tiny gap.  I could get it through the gap, barely, but couldn't maneuver it.  I needed something bent so I could slip it under the generous gap under the door, then turn it to push the drawer closed.  While I was trying to close the drawer, Marley thought it was a great game and was walking all over me, pulling at my hair, getting in the way.  Tom found a suitable "tool" and we got the drawer closed and door open, releasing Charlotte to be harassed some more.  And we're keeping that item handy in case it happens again.

Earlier, in the dark hours, I had found both bottom drawers open and a large Ace bandage unwound in the hall.  I'm guessing she opened the drawers and Marley helped himself to the new "toy".

Baby drawer locks just went on the next shopping list.  Oh, the joys of young animals in the household!

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