Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Getting better

After a bit of backsliding while he had diarrhea, Marley continues to improve his potty habits.  He also continues to frustrate us.  By late afternoon or early evening he reverts to going to one of a couple of areas in the living room to either let fly or pee a little bit to tell us he needs to go out.  Grrr.  Earlier in the day he'll bark at us, or we'll see certain behavior, but as the day progresses he just can't hold it together and we have to get more vigilant as we're getting more tired. 

Our only previous puppy was already well on her way to being house trained because she was the only puppy in an adult dog household so she learned to do what they were doing.  And she learned early.

We just need to keep reminding ourselves "he's getting better".  The important thing is he almost never pees or poops inside at night now.  He does expect to go out every time I get up to pee (once or more each night).  By taking him out, he's not as likely to need to go when we're sleeping.  Today he even made it to 8am - but we were out about 2 and 5 (just as the thunderstorm was arriving). 

About 6:30 Charlotte wanted back in.  She'd defied my attempts to keep her in at the 5am potty break.  I heard banging sounds and she was halfway up the front screen door.  We almost always go in & out the Dutch door at the back of the house.  She must have gone the long way around the house since the short way around means going outside the fence, then back inside.  She still had her collar this morning, so I don't think she went under the fence.

Going the long way around the house means she left her comfort zone - she usually stays pretty much on the back porch & deck.  We're still scheming a way to let her get under the deck without letting Marley get under it.  We're considering a sewer pipeline fitting - big enough for a bit larger cat than she is right not, but small enough Marley won't be able to fit as he continues to grow. 

Any ideas out there?  The gap between the deck flooring & the ground is covered by lattice panels; the gaps between steps is covered with fence material.  We want to keep her from digging a new entrance so Marley isn't tempted to enlarge a hole she starts . . .

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