Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Good golly, is there ANYTHING in the yard we can let him eat?

Every time Marley finds something to chew, or eat, out in the yard I find myself thinking this should be OK for him to munch on.  Then, just in case, I go online to see how many places Google finds that say it's NOT OK for him to munch on it.

We assumed from the beginning, once the mushrooms started showing up, that there could be a poisonous species in the mix of mushrooms that pop up in various parts of the yard every time we get enough water on it.  It's more likely after a good rain, but sometimes after watering, too.  Mostly they're really small, light yellow-brown and start with a little button on a stem, opening to a classic Disney tall-capped mushroom or flat-capped mushroom.  One day there were puffballs.  One day there was a single gray flat-capped mushroom with ridges on the top of the cap.  We try to pick them and throw them over the fence to keep him from eating them.  With any luck, even though fall will bring more rain, the cooler temperatures will put a halt to the mushrooms, at least until next summer.

Then it turns out we shouldn't let him eat the dried up earthworms he hunts in the grass - they carry worm eggs.  Oh, and the grasshoppers he wants to chase down and eat - they carry stomach worms.  I'd never heard of stomach worms, but apparently they are number two (after heartworm) in killing dogs.  Damn!  No fun allowed!

Then there are the iris, geraniums, bleeding hearts, mountain ash (AKA rowan), onions, all planted here over the years.  We'd like to keep them as they are reminders of Lois and the good times this house saw during her years in it.  One of these days, we hope, he'll grow out of the puppy phase of everything goes in the mouth.  Until then, we walk him on a leash inside our fenced yard to make sure he has a chance to grow out of the puppy taste-everything phase.

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