Saturday, January 30, 2016

NOT a Chicago fan

Last night when I got back from dinner (I'd met Tom & the guys he'd been riding with at a local restaurant for dinner) Charlotte felt a bit neglected, of course.  She scooted right out into the garage.  I'd been longer getting back than the guys because I'd seen the groomer working in town and stopped for some photos and video.

I thought since the guys were in the second garage (Tom's working garage) I'd take her in to introduce her.  As soon as I opened the door she fled for the kitchen door.  The same door she so often want OUT of, she wanted IN.  (We have a double garage, but it started as a single garage, then had another added on to the side of it, leaving the wall between them, with a door allowing access from one to the other.)

Not being sure if it was the strangers or something about the garage, I got her again, calmed her a bit and opened the door to the second garage again.  This time she wasn't as frantic to get away, but she still wanted nothing to do with Tom's garage.

We'll never know for sure if it was the strangers (I doubt it based on a past encounter), the smell of the chemicals stored & used out there (she does seem to have a keen sense of smell, often following her nose) or the Chicago music playing (loudly) on the stereo.  Regardless, she wanted nothing to do with anything in that garage.  We'll always think it was Chicago.

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