Monday, January 4, 2016

Charlotte's new routine

I've started indulging Charlotte's "need" to go out in the garage in the morning. 

Within the first couple of weeks with us it became an obsession for her.  I can't say how many times she slipped past us as we closed the door.  It became a new SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for one of us to pick her up, wait as the other takes Max out or brings him in (or any other errand that takes us out, or in that door).  If we were leaving, the kitty holder would "toss" her back in the door and try to get it closed before she turns and dashes out.

So, in the interest of getting it out of her system, getting predator smell in the garage to repel rodents and being able to get in & out the kitchen/garage door, I've started letting her out.  For weeks she has gone to the garage door and cried to go out.  Once she was allowed out, it got worse.  Then I noticed she cries loudest first thing in the morning.  If I let her out, she is less frantic to get out through the middle of the day.  She might get a bit crazy again toward evening, but that early morning garage patrol seems to really calm her down. 

Over the years we've had rodents (mice, voles, squirrels) in the garage from time, but not nearly so much as a lot of people.  I think that's because of the predator smell in the garage.  Max goes almost all the way around the car to get to the door he can get in, leaving a bit of smell as he goes.  Una (our first dog) did the same thing.  Our cats have patrolled the garage at some or another.  Now Charlotte is our rodent repellent.  To show the predator's effectiveness, our very worst rodent invasion happened this summer while we were gone. 

By waiting for her to come to the top step and call to be let in, we have no problem getting her to come back in.  But, we have to be sure we won't need her back inside too quickly before we allow her to go out there.  Luckily, so far, she's not gotten crazy to go outside.

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