Monday, January 18, 2016


While Charlotte is still fascinated with the garage, it is getting easier to get her back in the house.  Some mornings she'll go to the garage door, reach up high and cry, yet when I open the door she stays in the house.  She seems to prefer to "get away" to get out there.   One time yesterday I made room to my right (the knob side of the door) but she just had to scoot out to my left.  Sometimes when we head toward that side of the kitchen she'll race ahead and will be out the door before we even know she's there.

On the other hand, it's getting easier to get her to come in the house.  This morning she let Tom walk up to her and pick her up.  I have been having pretty good success bribing her with the offer of "crunchies".  We have a couple of Costco tubs of Temptations treats and a small handful of those, offered on a flat hand are deemed a suitable reward for coming back into the house.

She also loves "her" window.  She watches it snow.  She watches Max when he's on his trolley.  She sleeps on the sill.  She sunbathes on the table in front of it.  She plays with & eats her patch of grass in front of it.

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