Friday, January 29, 2016

Cats are carnivores?

Everybody knows cats are carnivores.  But Charlotte is the second kitten I've had that seems determined to disprove that common knowledge.  If she follows the same kind of development as my first cat (Sarah, a strikingly colored calico), she'll settle into "proper" carnivorous eating as she approaches adulthood.

Sarah tasted a lot of starchy foods during her first year; Charlotte eats starchy foods.  As you can see in this video, she treats many starchy foods the same as her kitten chow.  These are multi-grain Cheerios - I gave her a few at a time to keep her out of mine.  (I eat most cereals dry, so no milk here.)
Don't get me wrong, she loves meat.  Last night she had a bit of our London broil instead of wet cat food.  She comes to the kitchen whenever she can tell I'm cooking in the hope I'll provide handouts.  Sometimes she gets lucky, depending on what I'm doing.

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