Monday, February 1, 2016

She's on to us

As we were driving to the next town to get a few items (including cat food, of course) at the supermarket, we talked about Charlotte a bit.

I asked Tom if he'd noticed that we have not seen or heard her "flapping" plastic grocery bags since we started ignoring it.  At that point, apparently, she figured out that we'd figured out she was trying to train us.

Each day I am more convinced she's the smartest cat I've ever been around.  Things that are good for her, she learns very quickly.  Last night I asked her if she wanted her dinner and she came down off the back of the couch for me to deliver.  I wasn't completely convinced yet, and didn't jump right up to get her night time ration of kibble and her wet food so she went back to the back of the couch.  A few minutes later I asked her again.  She came back down to my "lap" (above the laptop) and this time she looked at me and when I didn't get up right away she "spoke" to me.  We never set out to use a stock phrase, or command for feeding her, but apparently we've said that one enough times to be recognized.  

She also seems to recognize that "outside" is not a desirable place.  The only time she's been "outside" was one of the times I was standing in an open doorway, waiting for Max to  take care of business.  She got pretty curious about what was beyond that door.  Not wanting her to be an outdoor cat, I picked her up and tossed her into the snow.  She came right back in and hasn't really tried to go out the front or back doors.  She also hasn't really tried to get into the basement or the office.  Just the garage.  I think it's because the garage has had rodents and she can smell them. 
Charlotte taking one of her "chest naps"

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