Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Trying her wings ... or is it a broom?

In the last day or two of our trip to Montana earlier this month Charlotte began to discover she is now big enough and strong enough to jump higher and get into more things.  So, we have new challenges.

First we found her hopping onto a cute box at the end of the kitchen counter, then onto the counter.  We moved the box.  Then ... she tried a little harder and realized she could jump onto the microwave cart (the kind where there's a cupboard, some small counter-top, and the microwave goes on a shelf above that) then walk across the stove and down the counters.  It became an instant battle.

Last night she found a new place to get into trouble - I looked up to see her sitting on top of the satellite receiver box, thinking about touching the TV hanging on the wall behind it.  When I got her to get down, it became the new battle of the day.  She kept going back and preparing to jump up there.  Telling her NO! and trying everything I could to keep her down, it became a game for her.

I expect we'll be having a number of crashes as she explores places that used to be too high for her to reach without some kind of intermediate surface ... oh, boy!

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