Monday, February 22, 2016

The Beast

Sometimes Charlotte becomes The Beast.  Her eyes go all pupil.  Her ears go back.  And she looks for any excuse to grab a human body part and bite.  Not a gentle love bite, but a deep, killing bite. 

She bites Tom more than she bites me.  But, I've popped her on top of her head a time or two when she was in a biting mood.

We've had cats do this in the past, but it was when they were being harassed in a play session and were driven to attack.  These are unprovoked attacks. 

Sometimes she'll be on a lap and you go to pet her and she grabs and is ready to bite.  She usually stops short of doing more than a light press on the skin.  But, I've also seen her just relaxing on Tom's lap, then suddenly the eyes change, the ears go back and he doesn't even need to make any motion for her to reach out and grab, going in for the kill.

Last night she attacked his foot while he was on the phone.  He hadn't been playing with her at all; she just decided it was time to transform into The Beast.

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