Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The devil was in Marley this morning ... had to sacrifice an angel

Nothing like starting your morning by sacrificing an angel. Really. Cutting her wide open.

When our puppy Marley demanded I get up around 7am (as he does every morning) I told him to "go back to bed" (as I do some mornings) and as he does when I try to get a few more winks ... he went and found something to destroy. This time the cat contributed to the problem - she tossed around one of the little rubber duckies (an angel & devil pair) we had on the inner ledge of the tub to a place he could reach it. When I did get up (only about 5 minutes after 7) there was part of the devil duck on the carpet just outside the bathroom. Worse ... there were a few pieces of red plastic and a couple of button batteries on the living room carpet. Oh, crap! How may batteries did the devil duck start with?

So, I had to sacrifice the angel to know how many batteries ... there were THREE. So, a quick research on the internet, followed by a call to the vet. Followed by setting up the bathroom and giving him an appropriate dose of hydrogen peroxide and recovering the battery. Since it was dead, it was unlikely it could have "zapped" his intestine (killing spots), but it could still potentially corrode enough on the way through to burn or poison him. 

Sacrificed angel and destroyed devil and all 3 batteries (after the peroxide)  and angel looking intact to show they were cute little floaters.

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