Thursday, January 5, 2017

Role model for his class

Yesterday afternoon Marley started Level 2 Adult Dog training.  There are 3 dogs in his class, but one won't start until next week.  Both the other dogs are on the timid side.  The gal who came with Lucy seemed to have little clue what was going on since her husband had brought Lucy for the Level 1 class.  That helped reinforce that we're doing the right thing with both of us coming to all the classes, taking turns working with him in & out of class.

Because he readily accepts training, likes training, LOVES any and all treats, is comfortable around people and other dogs, he will be the role model to help the others learn.  Not only will they all do the various exercises, but the other 2 will also learn from seeing how Marley interacts with us and with Rebecca.

Early in our session Marley tried to interact with Lucy and she told him she wanted him to give her some more distance (a short low growl).  The rest of the session he gave her a little extra space when Rebecca or we would walk him past her.  That's something he learned in the Puppy Play sessions.

As he matures and has we work with him he gets better at the easy stuff and the harder stuff gets a little closer to working.

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