Wednesday, January 25, 2017


We bought Marley a puzzle.  It's a "level 2" puzzle  It has 2 sliding discs that cover 3 cavities for treats, 2 tower plugs to pull out (the description says they have to be pulled straight up, can't be knocked over, but they knock over at a light touch) and 2 flip levers to open 2 more cavities.

You're supposed to start by putting treats in the slider compartments & closing them halfway, while the dog watches.  Then you show the dog how they slide to reveal the treats.  You practice with just the sliders until the dog understands there are treats under the sliders.  Then you do the cones or flippers.  You do each type of obstacle separately until the dog know how to work them.


I jumped right in with Marley.  I let him see me fill all 3 types of compartments.  I showed him how they worked.  Within 20 minutes he had the puzzle empty.  Twice.  Oh well.  The flipper that moves toward him is his biggest challenge.

Yesterday & today I just filled it and put it down for him.  He looks forward to finding all the treats.  The next step is to only put treats in some of the holes.  At least it's a bit of a challenge for him.

He's also showing more and more that he's air scenting for his greenie & his charcoal biscuit.  He'll stick his nose up in the air and once he gets a whiff he'll circle and close in on his treat.  It will be interesting to play "search" come summer.

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