Thursday, January 12, 2017

And a little exercise for the humans, too

We got an inexpensive treadmill so Tom & I can get some walking done, safely.  The yard is buried in a couple feet of snow of varying textures.  Post-holing isn't any fun and puts unusual strain on muscles and joints.  The area between the fenced yard and the garage is mostly cleared, but again, it's got snow and could be slippery.  I find I get more and more afraid of falling.  We've both reached break-a-hip age.  So the treadmill is about the safest way to get in some walking during the winter.  Especially a winter like this crazy one.

Our work introducing Marley to as many new experiences as possible is paying off.  Yesterday when the new treadmill was fired up the first time, he started out in the kitchen ... about as far from it as he could get but still keep an eye on it.  Every couple of minutes he'd come a little closer.  We didn't try to reassure him it was OK - that would feed the "there's something to be worried about" feeling.  Today he came up and sniffed it and stood quite close while I took my first turn on it. 

Eventually, we may see if he'll walk on it.

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