Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ah hah!

It's not the snow.  It's the catching.  We picked up a couple more "prickly" balls that fit in the Chuck-It that I can toss out into the snow and not be too unhappy if they disappear until spring.  He doesn't always bring back balls from the yard.  I'm not going out in 2 feet of snow and digging them out, either.

I started tossing one in the living room for him, playing the "Trade" game.  I give him a treat when he brings the ball back to me.  Pretty soon he was trying to catch them in the air.  Then he was leaping to catch them in the air.  And if I was slow tossing it, just like the snow, he'd bark at me.  All I need to do is get him to figure out it will be more fun if he's further away.

At some point, I think we'll try him on a Frisbee, too.  I think the leaping and twisting in the air is what he really likes.

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