Friday, December 30, 2016

Things are looking up

We're finding pee & poop in the litter box every day.  She's not bothered by one of us being in the room.  Yesterday she came & jumped in the box while I was at the washbasin; today she was in the box when I got up and went in to use the bathroom.  If she keeps it up, she has a "forever" home.  But, she'll remain on probation for a while, just to be sure.

Marley has started showing signs of his training and maturing starting to "take".  A little tug on the leash when he starts to pull works around the house, worked somewhat in the Home Depot yesterday.  Trying to get him to calm down when greeting people is starting to show a little improvement.  Once he even sat without being told to when a person approached.

Charlotte turned a year and 4 months on the 14th of December.  Marley will turn 8 months old on New Year's Day.

The mock battles continue.  I think it's just the way they get along.  They're both young and full of energy.  It's a reasonable way to work out the excess.

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