Tuesday, December 20, 2016

SNOW! Let it SNOW! SNOW! I want snow!

Marley was acting "off" this morning & early afternoon.  I thought it was because Tom was out plowing and the snow was sliding.   He gets a bit nervous when Tom is out and there is strange noise.  Later, we found out what it really was.

Tom had shoveled the deck, but the roof had dumped more snow on the deck.  I went out and started shoveling.  As soon as I started he started barking at me because I wasn't throwing the snow fast enough.  He delights in catching the snow as it flies from the shovel. 

It doesn't matter how big, or how hard, a lump comes out of the shovel.  He's there to catch it on his chest or in his face.  Sometimes he gets too close and we have to be careful not to hit him with the shovel.  He leaps clear off the ground, twists and runs.  We all get exercise.  My FitBit says I got 39 minutes of active exercise between shoveling the deck and pulling snow off the roof.

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