Wednesday, December 28, 2016

So far ... so good

We are now on day 3 of finding "goodies" in the litter box with the clay clumping litter.  Whether it's the open top she prefers or the clay litter over the walnut litter we may never know.  As long as it's working ... that's what we'll go with.

Marley continues to gently maul Charlotte.  Trying to keep him from mauling her is a losing proposition.  She starts at least a quarter of these sessions.  In fact, this morning I saw her pull hard enough on the side of Marley's mouth that I could see she was pulling ... a nice little "tent" near his mouth.  We've seen her leap up and grab him around his neck or grab a mouthful of his back leg. 

I think they like each other.  It's hard to tell, though, if he sees her as a playmate or as a toy.  She will occasionally make an unhappy sound, but will continue to "fight back".  She could easily go to the top of some furniture or into the guest room to get away from him, but only seems to do so when she wants a long undisturbed nap.

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