Friday, December 16, 2016

Pen Puke

Marley is pretty unforgiving when he decides it's time to be up.  It doesn't matter what time or how much the humans would like to get a few more winks.  He will "entertain" himself if left wishing his people would get out of bed.

It happened again this morning.  I'd let him out about 6:15.  He took quite a while and didn't come back to the door until I opened it to see if he'd gone turd hunting between the deep roof-slide snow and the side of the house (the last bare ground for Charlotte to poop in without going to the garage across the property).  Since it was so early we went back to bed.  By 7 (I'm guessing) he wanted me up.  He came back and whined at least 3 times before I gave in.  By then it was getting close to 7:30.  Before I even got from the bedroom to the bathroom I could hear him bringing something up.

By the time I peed & got my robe and my morning meds, he'd brought it up.  Until I actually looked at it I was assuming it was something more or less "edible".  When I did bend over to examine his leavings it took several seconds to decipher what I was seeing.  At first the black pieces seemed like they might be part of a plastic fork.  But they were too sturdy.  Then I saw the fine little spring ... he'd eaten a ball point pen!

I'd seen it on the floor behind the recliner and meant to pick it up on one of my trips past the chair.  I should have.

When Marley is bored because no one is up to be with him and start his morning routine of fetching his ball (or other toy) he makes sure we'll be less reluctant to roll out of bed.  So far in the last couple of weeks he's eaten half of one of Tom's sheepskin slippers, the heel out of one of Tom's shoes, the cuffs of Tom's work gloves, and now a ball point pen.  Some of the items are just chewed and strewed, some, like the pen and shoe heel, he actually ate.

I don't dare ask the inevitable question ... because we'll find out way too soon.

Oh, by the way, he got his graduation certificate yesterday.  Lots of work still needed, and the next class will start some time after the first of the year, but he got his Level 1 certificate.

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