Friday, December 2, 2016

Ice Cube Feet

Charlotte is trying to get used to the snow on the ground.  She often goes only a couple feet from the door before coming back in.  But, sometimes she does go further out.  Last night she was out for several hours.  When she came back in about 3:40am - because Marley had to go potty (or wanted me to let her in) - and after a quick snack, she warmed her feet the best way she knew how.

A little while after coming in, as I was still trying to find the most comfortable position, she came to the bed and to the top of the covers.  She comes to the top to request I lift them a bit so she can crawl under with us.  Sometimes she snuggles her full body length along my belly or butt.  Not last night.

Imagine if you were almost asleep, warm & snug in bed, when suddenly someone sticks 4 little ice cubes against your back!  Yeah, that's what it felt like  Needless to say, the drifting off to sleep process had a bit of a setback.  Lucky for me she warms quickly.  Soon the ice cubes turned to tiny heaters. 

That's why I let it happen.

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