Monday, October 24, 2016

Puppy Play session 2

This week the little dogs from last week weren't there.  Willow, the super shy Husky-German Shepherd, was back, as was Duke, the boisterous Golden Retriever was back.  And there was Rusty, a tiny rust colored poodle - maybe the size they call miniature or teacup.  He's about 7 pounds.

Willow & Rusty got the quiet side of the enclosure when Duke arrived.  Duke & Marley both played.  Marley's a bit overwhelmed still, but was much more interested in playing.  He did interact a bit with Rusty & Willow before Duke arrived.  Despite Rusty's small size, he doesn't take unwanted attention.  Marley also got a nose lick from Willow.

One of the things I appreciate about our guide (for other sessions she's formally the trainer, not sure if that's what to call her in the puppy sessions or not), Rebecca, is that she not only watches and sometimes corrects the dogs, she also guides us humans.  If the dogs are playing and getting into it, like Duke & Marley did yesterday, we are to stand and use our legs to push them away if they are right up next to us.  That is to teach the dogs that rough play is OK, but not in people's "personal bubble".  If any of our dogs try take refuge in our laps or on the bench with us we're to stand and send them back into the middle area.  On the other hand if our dogs indicate another is too close by crying, barking or other non-agressive messages, we need to know that's OK.  The dogs need to learn to play, to communicate with each other and to recognize boundaries.

In 2 weeks she's doing a "leash work" session, so we'll go for a noon-time session and the puppy play session at 3:30 (4:30 our time).  I didn't ask how much the leash session will cost, but, the 3 of us need it.  Marley is learning to "walk nice" in the yard, but as soon as we're around other people, other dogs, other places, etc. he's a sled dog again ... I honestly think if we had a dog cart he could haul me all over the place even though he's still just a baby.  I wouldn't do that to him, but I think he's capable of that much pulling strength.
This afternoon he's being a pill.  When there are unusual noises, and Tom isn't in here with us, Marley will bark to have me fix it (I think).  I have repeatedly harnessed him up, taken him out and nothing happens.  I can't risk that he isn't really asking to go out, but it does get frustrating.   I've seen this behavior any time Tom mows the lawn or similar noisy things that take him out of the house.  He was like this when the well was being put in on the next parcel. 

The adventures of "doggy parenthood".

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