Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Another hazard

New day, new hazard. 

Marley has enjoyed chewing on sticks.  Up until this week he left lots of little holes with his baby teeth and some small splinters on the carpet.  Then, as he gains adult teeth - more teeth, bigger teeth - and his gums are itchier (we assume) the splinters have gotten bigger.  And he has started "eating" them!

I didn't realize how much he was "eating" until yesterday morning, about 6:30, when he barfed.  At first I didn't realize what I was seeing.  At first glance it looked like the "shreds in sauce" type of cat food and equivalent to about half a can!  How could that be?  We feed Charlotte pate style cat food, only a quarter can at a time and she gobbles it down.  It's hard to think in the dark, when it's still not time to be getting up for the day.

Then it hit me!  Those were all wood splinters!  Not cat food.  Not food at all. 

I guess it's better than it going through and poking a hole in his gut.  But, then some of them did go through - they're out in the yard in his "leavings".  So, effective yesterday, no more sticks. 

With the way he rips any kind of cloth toy, even firehose type cloth, and eating the sticks, he's pretty much down to just the rubber toys (like the Kong toys) and Nylabone type toys and the rawhide chews, Greenies and so on.

I wonder what the next big thing to go on the banned list will be ...

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