Sunday, October 30, 2016

Puppy Play #3

Today will be Marley's Puppy Play session #3.  Since we aren't really getting to know folks real quick around here, much less people with dogs, it's a great thing to give him structured interaction with other young dogs & puppies.  With puppies varying in size and age, he gets a taste of many behaviors, and we get a bit of guidance.

I haven't heard back from the gal who does "puppy boot camp" training, so I guess we'll look into the dates and costs for basic training at Petco - same place we're taking him for the play sessions - 70 miles one way.  All 3 of us need the structured training & tips.

I'll report back after we get back, or maybe tomorrow if we get home late - it ends at 4:30 Pacific time, which is 5:30 our time, before we even start home.  Some of our shopping has to wait until after the play session so it stays cold on the way home.

What a change since his first session.  Today he dove right in.  First it was just Willow, the shy husky-German shepherd  and a couple of small dogs on the "gentle dog" side, with Marley and Duke the Golden retriever on the "high energy dog" side.  Then Jax showed up - he's a Boston and after a few minutes the three of them were all having a great time.  About half way through the hour, Bailey, another Golden retriever showed up.  Bailey came in very submissive, but after a bit she was having as much fun as the three boys.

Once Jax got used to Marley he was tugging at his ears, grabbing his legs, wrestling with him.  At times all four high energy dogs were playing together.  Duke & Marley looked the most aggressive as they raised up on their hind legs and grappled, did some snarling & barking, but all in good fun.

Marley has really come a long way in just a couple of weeks.  Thursday he'll start school.  Since I didn't get a call back from the local gal who sometimes offers "puppy boot camp" we went ahead and signed him up for a class at PetCo.  Right now there's only one other dog in the class.  More would be better for distractions, two is good for lots of one-on-one with the trainer.  So, now it's twice a week to Sandpoint for the next 6 weeks.

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