Sunday, May 24, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend Weather

Memorial Day in Grand Lake is celebrated regardless of weather.  And that's important.  The weather on major summer holiday weekends can be almost anything.  By major holiday weekends I mean Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day.  Sometimes we have beautiful sunshine and calm and warm weather.  Sometimes we have cold, snow and wind.  Sometimes it's only unending rain.  So far we've seen most of those this Memorial Day weekend.  Saturday morning was in the 40s and 50s, sunny and calm.  Later in the day it rained, with the occasional snow-blob mixed in.  Then in the evening it snowed.  Not just snow flakes falling, but snow stacking up on the ground.  It was only a half-inch to an inch, and is melting as the temperature slowly creeps up above freezing.  This year, though, it's not just the holiday weekend, it's been pretty much the entire month of May.  At least in Denver, it's been the wettest May on record.  I have little doubt that applies here in Grand Lake, as well.  Not only have we had rain pretty much everyday, it's been much of the day, not just an afternoon shower.  And, as we prepare for departure on our summer trek, there's no end in sight.
Snow in aspen branches

Looking across deck, to hill, to Shadow Mountain (it's across Grand Lake, hidden in mid-ground)

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