Friday, May 29, 2015

Damn it! It did rain - buckets!

Well, after thinking we'd ended our day with a baby thunderstorm, we got a real one.  Wind, lightning, thunder and gobs of rain.  The RV felt almost like it was rolling down the highway.

Unfortunately, we'd left the windows open on the Honda.  After all, it was warm, sunny, and nice when we pulled in.  Had to get it on a charger since the tiny battery can't go a day without driving it when we tow it.  Now the seats are soaked, the dash it wet.  I did get the windows up for the night - left a bit of opening at the top, under the protective covers, in the hopes some of the wet will evaporate overnight.  But, those seats are going to be soggy for quite a while, I'm afraid.

But to cap off the day, there was a glorious sunset, with a bonus sunset in the east, complete with rainbow.
Sunset in the west

Sunset in the east, with rainbow

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