Friday, May 29, 2015

Almost there . . .

Today was a fairly easy day, except for the unintended side trips.

Here's a look at our cheap RV park.  We were in the corner - if still there we'd have blocked the view of that short school bus.

First, as we left the little RV park Tom sat quite a while at the edge of the street.  I began to think he wanted me to signal left or right, then, he took off to the left.  Wrong way! What I couldn't see was a tow truck to the right, making multiple attempts to back a tow into the garage.  So, Tom figured he could go left, and find a place to go around the block or turn around.  I told him I'd scout.  At first I thought around the block wasn't going to work - it looked like the side street ended smack up at the railroad tracks, so I scouted away from the freeway, hoping there'd be a big parking lot to turn around in.  Nope, all too small. Then I realized the side streets did go to a street along the tracks.  So we did the round-the-block, almost, and came out on the cross road back to the freeway.

I forgot to check the gas gauge before we took off.  I was just under a quarter tank, not enough to get as far as Tom could.  I flashed lights & signaled "right" as we approached Dillon, MT.  I wasn't down to fumes, but it wouldn't be long.  What I didn't know was that all the gas stations were at the other end of town, so we had an unintended "tour" of  town.  Then, while I filled, Tom missed the turn back to the freeway and found himself on another highway.  Luckily the "sometimes weigh station" was not being used and made a great meet up and turn around spot.

For the first time in weeks we had a day mostly without rain, mostly sunny.  There was a short thunderstorm late this afternoon, after we were set up here in Clancy.

A bit after 4 we arrived at Clancy and our last en route stop.  The land is sloped - the house is at the top of the hill, so we needed to put the RV's left wheels on blocks (2 in the back and 4 in the front to get "close enough" to level for one night.  To get it closer we'd have to go up high enough to take a wheel completely in the air.  No-no.  Better a little off level than swinging in the air.
Assessing the lay of the land.  We wound up next to the 2 cars up by the house. 
 The Subaru & bikes were parked in the grass

The guys have gone to get a trailer to move their mom's stuff back to her house for the summer.  Tomorrow the convoy grows to 3 rigs towing something; RV+car, car+motorcycles and SUV+cargo trailer.  Whee!

And the Honda is on a battery charger.  Its little battery can't take more than a day without being driven when we tow it - the brake unit uses the power to run the compressor that pushes the brakes, and to light up the signal, tail and brake lights.  Tom's planning to add a power wire to keep it from dying if we run multiple days on the road.

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