Thursday, May 7, 2015

Max update

Today, we took Max in for the vet to catch him up on his vaccinations and do a "dental" (knock him out and scrape the tartar off his teeth).  Because of the problems he had from October to February, Dr. Brooks was pleasantly surprised to see Max on his schedule.  His last visit in February he had thought it might be Max's last.  It was great to see the happiness on Dr. Brooks' face to see how well Max is doing.  We joke that he's like a cat, on life #6 or 7 ...

So, he'll take longer to come completely out from the anesthesia, but he's coming around.  He can eat a little tonight, then work back up to normal feeding.  Tonight, he's starting with the Super Simple Chicken and Rice Dinner.  Every time one of us goes near the kitchen he watches us like a hawk, hoping for more to eat.  We're so happy to see he didn't lose his appetite.  That always worries us.  He's done it three times since October and each of those "hunger strikes" was a total rejection of all foods. 

For now, at least, he's still on track for a long life.  He's starting his 7th month since his spleen was removed ... and it's 5 months since his stroke ... so far, so good.

Way to go, Max!

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